Tuesday, May 17, 2016


 Since last time i wrote about Sub-Zero how about scorpion. Hanzo Hasashi now known a as Scorpion is surrendered ninja in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series, he is one of the very few original characters debuting in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game. He holds the distinction along with Raiden and Sub-Zero.
 It is known that his father, a former member of Shirai Ryu, forbid his son from joining the clan, as he did not wish for his son to live the of assassin. However, Hanzo joined in spite of his fathers wishes in order to provide his wife and son with a comfortable life.
know that i have talked about both of the nemesis which is your favorite? Sub-Zero or Scorpion mine would be scorpion how about yours?  

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